The EpicLight Beauty Lip & Sip Launch Party

Who else loves to learn and celebrate the unveiling of a new product? I’m thankful for the invitation to attend the Epic Light Beauty Lip & Sip launch party in New York City. Keep reading to discover more about the intersection of beauty and wellness with Epic Light.

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It's the 40th anniversary of the PA Christmas + Gift Show

I didn’t mind the freezing temperatures before the sun rose this morning to preview the 40th annual Christmas + Gift Show at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex. A media preview is a blogger’s delight to view significant events before the doors open to the public—the eerily quiet six acres of the annual Christmas + Gift […]

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In this season of holiday celebrations, if you live in the Central Pennsylvania area, a must-see on your holiday list is the Longwood Gardens retro Christmas exhibit, which is excellent.  Last weekend, my daughter, Channing, and I motored to Kennett Square in Chester County, sometimes referred to as the mushroom capital of the world, to […]

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Fall Into Good Health

Last Friday, I celebrated 26 years in the pharmaceutical industry and have learned a thing or two about staying healthy. As we age, we all live with looming threats. Nevertheless, it is possible to fall into good health with annual screenings, check-ups, and vaccines.  When I started this blog over ten years ago, I committed […]

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Every autumn, bright and vivid shades of the color wheel abound with the fall foliage. But have you noticed fashion’s colorfully pleasing pop of red trending this fall?

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Estée Lauder Blockbuster Gift Set

I know, it’s only mid-October, and I’m already thinking about Christmas gifts. The planner that I am, it’s not too soon to jumpstart your holiday shopping with this Estée Lauder blockbuster gift set. The Estée Lauder brand launched in 1946 with four products. The original products include Estée Lauder cleansing oil, super-rich all-purpose cream, cream […]

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Laura Geller X Wheel of Fortune Beauty Launch Party

I never considered myself a beauty influencer; am I becoming an aspiring beauty guru? Do you remember my ahMaZing trip to New York City in December 2022 for Laura’s glitz and glamour 25th-anniversary celebration? I received another invitation, this time for the Laura Geller X Wheel of Fortune beauty launch party in New York City. […]

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Hotel Hershey Wedding Vow Renewal

Last weekend, I attended a Hotel Hershey wedding vow renewal ceremony for my best friend and her hubby of thirty years. It was a perfect fall weekend to reaffirm promises made on October 2, 1993. Let’s talk about the married couple, Teri and Ben Moore. Teri and I are first cousins; my Mom and her […]

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Fall Is Knocking at Our Door

Do you remember the 21st night of September? If you are old enough, the song is one of Earth Wind & Fire’s hits from 1978. That song is one of my favorite from college. When my birthday rolls around every September, and when it’s the 21st night of September, it’s a reminder that fall is […]

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My Annual Luxury Reservation at the Hershey Spa

It’s September 16, my annual sweet reservation at the Hershey Spa to celebrate my birthday with my daughter, Channing. For as long as I can remember, when September 16 rolls around, I spend a day luxuriating at the Spa at the Hotel Hershey. The Spa opened in 2001 and quickly expanded to accommodate the long […]

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