Eden Resort Post Brunch Photo in Front of Amish Buggy
Hello, Beauties! Today is all about my journey to stay fit. You may recall my half-marathon back in 2013. Utilizing a Fitbit tracker over the last four years. And having fun with a weighted hula hoop during the commercials when I watch television. Now, my wellness resume includes Yoga.

Eden Resort Post Brunch Photo

I recently read a newspaper article titled, Do You Enjoy Being Alive?  Then Stay Fit. The write-up went on to ask how much exercise do you get each week.  Well, that got me to thinking about my routine fitness practices or lack thereof.

Eden Resort Post Brunch Photo

According to federal guidelines released by the Center for Disease Control, adults should perform at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity.  Or get 75 minutes of vigorous physical exercise each week. We should also do some muscle-strengthening activity, such as calisthenics or lifting weights, at least twice a week.

My Wellness Journey Now Includes Yoga
Location: Post Brunch Photo at the Eden Resort in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Wearing: J. Crew White Double-Breasted Blazer similar here and the J. Crew Stripe Bodysuit.  My new purchase:  Ramy Brook Dorota Silk Striped Wide-Leg Pant.  Accessories: J. Crew Straw Rattan Clutch and Soft Surroundings Ball Gold Earrings and Stella McCartney prescription Tortoise sunglasses.

I fell off with my 150 minutes of moderate physical activity which I accomplished by walking 10,000 every day. I was using the Fit Bit tracker like a watch instead of keeping track of my steps. Losing it for the third time didn’t help me either.

When my fitness regiment becomes routine, then it becomes boring. Then, it’s time to try something new.  Now, it’s Yoga.  Why Yoga?

The Benefits of Doing Yoga. Image credit: Yoga Lifestyles.


I believe I have a fascination with this non-traditional form of exercise practices. Plus, Yoga has a long list of wellness benefits.  Some include increasing energy levels, flexibility, balance, stamina, weight loss, cell rejuvenation and more. There’s no chanting or candle burning, just discipline for the body.

Wellness with Yoga BeachBody 3-week Retreat

I wanted to try Yoga but didn’t know where to start.  I kept promising and promising myself to take a class. Finally, I decided to stay in the comforts of my home and purchase the BeachBody 3-Week Yoga Retreat CD set.  First off, I saw my body lacked strength and flexibility, which didn’t deter me.
Yoga Supplies

I’m one to finish what I start.  I relish in completing tasks and personal goals.  The following items will assist me as a beginner in my journey:
◊  Yoga Mat
◊  Blocks for support
◊  Yoga Strap
◊  Yoga Towel (because you will break a sweat)

Yoga isn’t as easy as it looks, the positions, balancing, and strength needed, oh boy!  I purchased the associated items because I want to succeed in this venture.  I call it, set yourself up for success.

The CD set gives you the necessary instructions to assist in proper form and fundamentals of yoga.  In three-weeks you learn specific focus:
Week one:  Foundation  Week (Introduction)
Week two:  Expansion Week (Expand on moves and postures)
Week three:  Progression Week (Kick it up a notch)


Doria Ragland wearing mint Oscar del a Renta
Doria Ragland, Meghan Markel’s Mom, leaving Rolls Royce before Meghan enters into St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle. Image credit: Getty

The four Yoga experts on the CDs provide the clear guidance you need as a beginner. How about Yoga instructor, Doria Ragland, Mother of Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex?  In her 60s and a picture of health and fitness.

I’m fully committed and looking for results.  Stay tuned.  How about you, have you ever tried Yoga?  If yes, do share in the comments.

Thank you for reading.  Have a fabulous week.