Vintage Marvin Richards Faux Fur Swing Coat

Celebrating the momentous events this 1/20/2021

I’m thrilled 2020 is over. Today, America gets to turn the page on a new chapter with the momentous events this week in January.

7th Blog Anniversary - The Age of Grace

First, today’s date, 1/20/2021, is the most anticipated palindrome of the year. A palindrome is a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward or forward.

Recent Coronavirus Restrictions DIdn't Stop My Day of Luxury at the Spa or My Night at the Hotel Hershey

Central Pennsylvania continues to see spikes in Coronavirus cases every day. Because of this surge, local medical authorities strongly urge people to follow the CDC guidelines and limit gatherings to less than ten people. Nevertheless, the recent coronavirus restrictions didn’t stop my luxury day at the Spa at The Hotel Hershey.

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