August 2019 was the most exciting month for me as a blogger. When I received notification from InStyle Magazine, a photo I submitted was selected for the September 25th Anniversary issue for the Real Style section. Bet er yet, I entered the essay competition for a one-year-old website celebrating black women: the site, Sisters from AARP. Gu s what, my entry for bestie and I, we won the AARP; Sisterhood Is Beautiful Essay Contest.
Do You Have Any Snakeskin Worming Its Way Into Your Closet?

Hello, Beauties🌸 Today’s post is a quick question: Do you have any snakeskin worming its way into your closet?
Do You Want A Killer Look? Wear Python

Hello, Beauties🌸 Today’s post poses another question: Do You Want A Killer Look? Wear python. We probably all agree that leopard is a daring and simultaneously the most versatile trend for fall 2018. I say it’s chic and timeless. Leopard, make room for a full-blown throwback. Exotic skins have crawled back onto the catwalks and street fashion. […]