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Fall Is Unofficially Landing This Weekend.  Are You Ready?
Fall is unofficially landing this weekend. Are You Ready?

Location: Grounds of the former State Mental Hospital
Ready or not, falls official arrival is not until later this month, but traditionally when it’s Labor Day, it’s fall.

By now, most children are back to school, and the abundance of pumpkins and mums and the cooler morning temps signify autumn.

Gucci Slide Sandal with Horsebit from Nordstrom New York


Can An Itty Bitty Bag Be Functional?

 I accepted the invitation to join in on the fun today for a collected look in fashion.  The theme, accessories, I’m answering the question, can an Itty bitty bag be functional? Or is it just a chic accessory? I am teaming up with California bloggers Cindy Hattersley, Rough Luxe Lifestyle, and Jennifer Connolly, A Well […]

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