As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found a few things to know as my ‘saving grace.’ We all have items or things that we do that we couldn’t imagine having to live and don’t want to, honestly, live without. As I got older, my hormones changed. My hair changed, including its color, texture, and even thickness. […]

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Even though subscriptions to magazines through different apps and e-readers are hugely prevalent, I still like to subscribe to the magazines I can hold. It’s relaxing to read about fashion and beauty (it’s a Calgon moment—take me away).  I find it interesting that 90% of the articles one reads in fashion magazines focus on outer […]

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Dream Girl “Where there is no vision, people perish….” Do you ever dream or aspire to land that perfect job or accomplish a particular task? Over the last four years, I watched someone dear to me not only land the perfect job amid a sour economy and high unemployment rate but also set up steps […]

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