Falling Forward The summer of 2013 unofficially came to an end last Labor Day weekend. Not long ago, I wrote a blog post at the beginning of summer. I can’t believe summer is over. Are you?  Without even looking at the calendar, the local annual attractions remind me that it’s September.  Locally, one can celebrate […]

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Do You Have All Your Shots? The first vaccination breakthrough for smallpox was developed in 1796. Fast-forward to 2013. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends vaccination against 16 preventable diseases for children, while many more are available for adults and world travelers. Ongoing worldwide research is investigating vaccines for diseases such as HIV, malaria, […]

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Paris August 2013

Paris Is Always A Great Idea What a difference a year makes! In August 2012, I embarked on my first of many European vacations. I traveled to Paris, France, with my daughter and her BFFs. It was so lovely of them to include me, huh? We all mapped out our spaces and places we just […]

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  Smoke Alarm! For Those Still Smoking Wow! Did you know it’s been 49 years since the surgeon general officially declared smoking tobacco hazardous to your health?  So, I was surprised by an article in the New York Times titled “Smoking is Cool Again.”   When did it become cool to smoke again? Is the […]

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Calm Your Flames

Calm Your Flames 🔥 Inflammation in the Body So, today, health awareness focuses on inflammation in the body, Calm Your Flames. There is a new kid on the block for testing and screening for inflammation in the body. What you need to know about inflammation: Inflammation is a normal and beneficial process when the body’s […]

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I mentioned in an earlier post that blood pressure is a silent killer. High cholesterol is another silent health risk that can be deadly. Do you know your cholesterol numbers? According to a Center for Disease Control report, more Americans are aware of their cholesterol levels. That’s great! Right? Then why do nearly 1/6 United States […]

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Sugar Appeal Has the system failed us?  Do we need to appeal?  About sugar, that is! The sugar verdict is frustrating and predictable if one doesn’t make their health and wellness matter.  Last week’s blog post on sugar leads us to discuss sugar or glucose in the body further. Do you know your blood sugar […]

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The verdict is in: Sugar is toxic. And we shouldn’t be surprised.  Health campaigners have been talking about how bad sugar is for years. Sugar is linked to obesity and suspected of, or fully implicated, as a cause in the occurrence of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia, macular degeneration, and tooth decay.  The truth […]

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Watered Down Last week, we suffered through massive amounts of rainfall and, this week, a heatwave.  Officially, a heat wave is defined as three continuous days of high temperatures in the 90’s.  With temperatures already soaring, what are you doing to keep sufficiently hydrated? Tired of sipping the same plain old bottled water? Don’t you […]

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Please allow me to introduce you to a new series on my blog called Women of Grace. As you know, Age of Grace focuses on fifty-something Baby Boomers doing their best to age gracefully—not only gracefully but also healthy, fit, stylish, and spiritually mature. Jeannie W. of Gracefully 50 blogs with her pet, Cavalier King […]

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