Got lungs? Of course, you have lungs; we all have lungs. It’s November, and it’s time to spotlight Lung Health.  Lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related death in both men and women. It is a known fact that our lung function declines as we age. What is not widely realized is that […]

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Does Anybody Know What Time It Is?

Daylight Savings Time/DST Does anyone know what time it is? Does anyone even care? It is time to fall back and examine a few things about time.  Goodbye, Daylight Savings Time! For those reading this and unfamiliar with the American rock band The Chicago Transit Authority (later known as Just Chicago), the opening quote is […]

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Drop 5

Can I tell you something personal? Would that be okay? As I am going through menopause, declining estrogen levels have contributed greatly to a stunt in my metabolism. Along with the slow go with the metabolism, it takes a greater effort for me to lose weight quickly. Right now, I am up about 8 pounds!  Nevertheless, I […]

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Fall Into Good Health

Fall into good health this season. During the summer warmer months, it’s easy to stay motivated to walk, run, or exercise outside. As the days grow shorter and the grey months arrive—perhaps it’s the lack of sunlight—one may lose the motivation to stay focused on fitness and weight management. Earlier this year, I invested in […]

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Purple Reign/October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Purple Power By now, we have all seen or heard the play-by-play of the leaked elevator footage showing Janay Palmer Rice being punched and knocked unconscious by her then fiancé, now husband, NFL Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice. October is highly recognized for the power of pink for Breast Cancer Awareness, but that isn’t […]

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The Power of Pink; Breast Cancer Awareness

Power of Pink You know when it’s October in Harrisburg for the last nine years. That’s when the power of pink is used to raise health and awareness for breast cancer at the State Capital Complex. The Capital’s East Wing Fountain water is pink to mark National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

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Women of Grace: Lesley Wolman

  In last week’s post, Another Meetup, I shared one advantage of social media: the opportunity to create a venue for like-minded people to meet and forge new friendships. Instagram has afforded me yet another option to meet, get to know, and feature a Woman of Grace: Lesley Wolman. The Explore page of Instagram allows […]

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ANother Meetup, this Time KOP Mall

The world of social media has many disadvantages regarding privacy but also one advantage. It is a way to bring together women from different backgrounds and ages to network, socialize, and forge friendships. Four women did this very thing at another Meetup, this time at the King of Prussia Mall. I shared my adventure in […]

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Can We Talk?

Can We Talk? The recent death of comedienne Joan Rivers brings to mind not just her death but her catchphrase, “Can we talk?” Most people including myself do not routinely talk about suicide. What you usually get is silence when you hear about a suicidal incident.  In 1987, Rivers’s second husband, Edgar Rosenberg, committed suicide; […]

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Napa Rocks

Napa Rocks Napa rocks! Literally!  Little did I know that when I finally fell asleep at 1:30 a.m. after traveling nearly 3,000 miles for a vacation to Napa, I would be awakened in less than two hours by a severe 6.0 earthquake in downtown Napa at 3:20 a.m.  I thought Jesus was coming back!  The […]

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