
Here are all of my posts featuring health-related topics with tips for aging gracefully beyond the age of 50.

Here Are Simple Everyday Strategies To Prevent Heart DIsease in Women

By now, we all know, heart disease is the leading cause of death among women in the United States. Here are simple everyday strategies to prevent heart disease. 1. Establish a Relationship With Your Doctor My primary care physician, whom I’ve known for the last 20 years, is my partner and advisor for my health. […]

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By reaching midlife, we can all attest to the power of moving our bodies. What’s your wellness and fitness journey? While pondering, do you remember these fitness trends? Before we explore the various fitness crazes, let’s remember the importance of moving our bodies for 30 minutes every day. The American Heart Association guidelines recommend that […]

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2020 Talbots Vertical Stripe Shirt Dress

Did you know music is therapeutic for the body? I personally can attest to music providing tangible rewards. It was 2013 when I trained and walked in the Nike Women’s Half-Marathon in Washington, D.C.  My playlist motivated me to keep up and finish.

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Carrie's Angels, My COVID-19 Vaccine Hunter

I wanted to talk about the beautiful day of this year’s spring equinox. Instead, you may recall, I preferred to get the single-dose vaccine. But then I learned about Carrie’s Angels, the COVID-19 Vaccine Hunters. Who are Carrie’s Angels? She is a local Harrisburg volunteer, assisted by her mother and two sisters. These ladies are […]

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The COVID-19 Vaccine Options

It’s nearly a year since the world discovered the age of Coronavirus. Now, 12 months later, we must consider the COVID-19 vaccine options in the United States. On January 19, Pennsylvania, like other states, opened vaccine eligibility. To whom? To everyone over 65 or chronically ill, the highest priority group.

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7 Preventive Screenings We Should Never Skip

I don’t visit my medical provider, only when I’m sick. My healthcare provider prefers that I keep routine visits, and so do I.  Remember what Ben Franklin said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”  There are seven preventive screenings we should never skip to maintain excellent health.

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The AHA Food Certification Program Guides You to Best Nutrition Choices

Last week’s National Wear Red Day’s annual movement encouraged all women to look more closely at cardiovascular risk factors. We hear to adopt a healthy heart diet. Why? Eating healthy is one of the best ways to reduce one’s chances of heart disease. The AHA food certification program guides you to the best nutrition choices. […]

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J.Crew Teddy Bear Jacket

Love is in the air!  February is all about matters of the heart. Did you know happy relationships can help your heart? You gotta have the back story. Valentine’s Day originated as a Western Christian feast day honoring an early saint named Valentine. Also, did you know that in February 1964, President Johnson declared the […]

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Did You Know Physical Inacivity Causes Joint Deterioration?

Did you know physical inactivity causes joint deterioration? Since my 65th birthday in September, I’d like to think I’m healthy senior aging well. I’ve done an excellent job with my annual preventive screenings for maintaining my health.  But I’m definitely sitting more and moving less; perhaps it’s all the Netflix binging.

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