Stepping Out
I’ve fallen off the proverbial fitness bandwagon and need help getting back on. In 2013, I dared to challenge myself and train for the Nike Women’s half-marathon while raising two thousand dollars for the Central Pennsylvania Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). I amazed myself with my ability to raise awareness for LLS, collect needed funds, and train to walk the 13.1 miles in Washington, D.C., with 17,000 other women.
Since my half-marathon, I have walked and occasionally got on my stationary bike at home. I’ll level with you; I fell off a consistent fitness routine. I saw I needed some motivation to get moving again and enter the power of the pink armband, the Fitbit Flex Wireless.
One of my personal goals for 2014 was to shake up my routine, as noted on my vision board. We know how important it is to write down goals and check to see how close one is to achieving them. With July quickly approaching, it’s an excellent time to revisit whether I have progressed toward that ambition.
When the untimely death of a local fifty-something woman occurred, I reminded you of the importance of maintaining a healthy heart. As I spoke to you, I was talking to myself as well. Since that article, I have instituted 10,000 steps a day to make sure that I am moving and not being sedentary. As a woman of a certain age, not exercising is not an option at this stage in life.
I purchased an inexpensive pedometer, which started as an affordable and great idea to keep track of my daily steps toward 10,000 steps. However, half the time, the pedometer fell off, or I kept forgetting that I was wearing it, especially when I would go to the bathroom, fall off, or in the commode—done with that!

The FitBit Flex Wireless Wristband costs $100.00 (including extra bands); I consider the price a personal investment in my health and well-being. I now sport my waterproof pink band 24/7. It helps me achieve my 10,000 daily steps and capture critical metrics. Those metrics are:
- Track My Day: steps, distance, calories burned, and active minutes
- Track My Night: hours slept, times woken up, sleep quality, silent vibrating alarm
- Set a Goal and Get Moving: LED lights show me how my day is stacking up against my goal
- Sync My Stats Real-Time: Automatically syncs wirelessly to my smartphone and MacBook Air
Wearing my FitBit Band
Now that I have no excuses for not being active, I am considering another half-marathon locally in Hershey in the Fall of this year. Did you set any health goals for this year? Have you fallen off your fitness regimen? Do you need help getting back on it? If yes, what are you doing?