I’m among the one-third of the male and female population experiencing hair loss. In my six years of blogging, you may not notice, but I have many photographs capturing my unpleasant problem. Do you remember my trip to NYC derailed because of a complimentary hot girl excursion to Miami? Well, this weekend, I finally got to NYC, and my new flowing hairdo restored my femininity.
I’m going to try to walk you through my hair loss timeline. I noticed fourteen years ago that my hair started shedding more than average, mainly in the middle of my head.
Was the loss due to early menopause, the change in my hormone levels, gut bacteria, chemical relaxers, and hair coloring? I sought out the local dermatologist and received the diagnosis of female pattern baldness. I immediately stopped having my hair chemically relaxed.
At my follow-up appointments with my internist, Dr. Jatto prescribed an antibiotic, prescription shampoo, and Men’s Rogaine to help slow and reduce my hair loss. She reminded me that if I didn’t stick to her prescribed regimen, I might see more significant hair loss because of the hair growth cycles.
I started taking a high dose of Biotin and an Omega-3 supplement on my own. By now, you know the long-term effects of antibiotics on my gut bacteria. I’m thankful to have found a quality probiotic supplement.
In my first few years of blogging, I was able to pull my thinning hair to the side for a chic side knot. In the next stage, I saw additional thinning. That’s when I started wearing a bun on the top of my head. Most recently, I could see further hair loss toward the front of my hairline. This stage was very embarrassing, and I found myself being extremely self-conscious and feeling robbed of my femininity.
Fast-forward to this year. I saw continued hair loss that started in the middle and then moved to the front of my head. I began doing homework to learn about my options, weaves, and wigs/units. My daughter, Channing, discovered BKrowned Hair and Beauty in New York City, where she lives. I scheduled an appointment.

Our appointment was for early afternoon, and it was perfect. The salon wasn’t crowded with lots of customers. First, a consultation with Hair Specialist Shaneek Steele, who specializes in repairing scalp issues. Her experience with hair loss due to psoriasis led Shaneek to develop all-natural hair products to combat the problem.
Next, I examined my hair follicles with a Scalp Digital Hair Skin Analyzer, a microscopic magnifier app that allowed me to see my loss up close and personally.
Before shampooing and conditioning, I learned about Shaneek’s natural hair care products that specialize in helping hair grow, called WIDIN.
Then, in my Frankenstein moment, the gadget to help stimulate my hair follicles, say what?
Up next is the hair braiding after the Almond-Mint Scalp Treatment. I’m sorry it’s been years since I’ve braided my hair.
As the ladies say, the salon owner, Bee of Bkrowned, made my wig or unit while I was getting my consult, examination, wash, condition, stimulation, and braiding done.
And just like that, voila, the new me. Interestingly, I’ve never even tried on a wig before. I always thought about it. I guess I thought my hair would start to grow back. At times, it seems to spurt, then the big shed repeatedly.
I’m thankful for new options for hair loss, even if it means wearing a wig. Even my husband said, when are you getting your new hair? Thank you, Bee and Shaneek, for working your magic; I’ll return for another treatment and a chic, shorter look.
Let me know your thoughts about my new look. I will share how I’m adapting to not wearing my bun.
As always, thank you for reading and sharing my personal and transparent hair journey. Have a fabulous week.