Hello, Beauties🌸 Today’s post, It’s Time To Restart The Clock for 2019.
As you may know, I like to utilize Vision Boards. It’s my way of reminding myself of my goals. You know the saying, out of sight, out of mind.

According to statistics, just 8% of people archive their New Year’s resolutions. I prefer being intentional by examining every aspect of my life.
The vision board concept is a fun exercise to put on paper what I’d like to achieve. You know I relish talking about fashion. However, I always want to focus on aging gracefully with health and wellness tips and the importance of networking as we age.
Looking back over 2018, how did I do with meetups and focus on health and wellness? You tell me.
The NYC networking events:
Chico’s – How Bold Are You?
Rigby & Peller
Mini Fierce Con NYC
Health and Wellness Focus:
Wellness Wednesdays on Instagram
Wear Red Day
The Health of Your Heart
Breast Cancer
Smoking Cessation
Ovarian Cancer
Conscious Breathing
Jord Watch
Trophy Skin Care – LaBelle Ultrasonic Skin Spatula
P & G Everyday – Crest Pro-Health/Oral B, Sensitive Bladder, and Fixodent
Chico’s – Comfort Waist
Culturally and artistically, Bellorita Clutch/Crossbody
RoC Retinol – I made a group video for a new retinol product – “I Am Campaign.”
Smile Brilliant
GendraCare Himalayan Jade Roller

Does everything always work out? No. When I look at my 2018 vision board, one big disappointment jumps right off the page—the possibility of an exciting strategic partnership with a dominant women’s retailer.
At the end of 2017, I contacted a well-known women’s clothing retailer at the King of Prussia Mall near Philly. I initially spoke to the store manager with exciting ideas for attracting customers. She presented the suggestions to her corporate Public Relations group, and everything came to a screeching halt.
The media group loved my proposal, but I might not fit their shopper profile. I was disappointed at the outcome, but I was never informed as to the reason why.
It wasn’t so much the answer being no as the endless phone calls to meet to implement the plan. That should have been the first clue when people didn’t return your phone calls.
Now, on social media, some companies automatically examine your platform for year-end reviews. I look forward to the #bestnine on Instagram for my top posts of the past 12 months. It’s a great way to reflect on the year and reminisce about my highlights — the Best Nine feature, introduced in 2015.

The Fohr Card freely analyzes Instagram engagement and many other aspects, such as hashtags used, stats on your best engagement time, and even your most popular emoji.

Fohr is an influencer marketing platform founded by James Nord and Rich Tong in 2013. Last year, the group verified my followers as authentic. Side note: Many people purchase followers to look more successful. This year, my reach proved it. Reach is genuine interactions from your post.
My avenue of opportunity is building a secure network, learning more about health/wellness to share with you, and discovering and partnering with brands that focus on women of a certain age who are still relevant.
Oh, I’m still working on my 2019 Vision Board. How about you, have you analyze your social media performance? What about setting personal and professional goals? Let me know in the comments section.
Thank you for reading. Happy New Year🌟