Winterthur Ann Lowe Exhibit

Happy New Year! And Adios to 2023

Happy New Year! And adios to 2023. Every January, I embrace the fresh start that the new month brings. This year, I’m only carrying forth the wisdom and strength I’ve gained.

Adios to 2-23 in my Cinq á Sept Denim Foil Jacket and Pants

But first, before welcoming the new, I must go down Memory Lane to look at past intentions and where I deliberately spent my time.

Adios to 2023 posing with Holiday Decorations in Harrisburg (more…)

Ann Lowe African American Couturier Exhibit at Winterthir

Are you a fashion history lover looking for something to see and do this holiday season? If yes, you must visit the Brandywine area to see the Ann Lowe:  African-American Couturier exhibition at Winterthur. It is sad that forty-two years after Ann Lowe’s death, the hidden figure’s talent receives this significant recognition. The Ann Lowe […]

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