It’s Summertime
Since I launched Age of Grace, I have been singing about the importance of protecting your skin in several articles. First, skin protection from ultraviolet (UV) radiation, reminding you that it is important all year round, not just during the summer or at the beach. Secondly, my new beauty regimen – dry skin brushing that removes toxins from the body, and lastly, my personal story about controlling my ashy skin. Now it’s summertime, and one great thing is the extended hours of sunshine, but with those supplemental hours of rays come additional UV rays upon one’s skin.
July is National Skin Cancer Awareness Month, and UV Safety Month is on another health awareness calendar. No matter which calendar you follow, it makes sense to once again focus on the sunny side of skin care. Ladies and a few gents, if you remember nothing else about skin care, please know that unprotected exposure to the sun causes wrinkles and prolonged unprotected exposure to skin cancer. Bad enough that we lose elasticity in our skin muscles, so who wants to contribute to a faster downfall by not using sun protection factor (SPF.)
Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun are the leading cause of skin cancer. UV damage can also cause wrinkles and blocky skin.
Because of the staggering statistics and the prevalence of skin cancer, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) back in December 2012 provided updated guidelines to help consumers select and use sunscreens appropriately; the final regulations include these additional labeling provisions: