Pat McGrath LuxeTrance Lipstick

You Must Have Black-Owned Brands On Your Holiday Shopping List.

In my efforts to reduce my carbon footprint, it’s all about intentional purchases, including preloved items and supporting smaller brands. Since that 2021 pledge to buy better, I discovered that you must have Black-owned brands on your holiday shopping list.

AS by DF Gwen CardiAS by DF Gwen CardiAS by DF Gwen Cardi, a sustainable brand

When one decides to develop a mindful style, these decisions warrant doing homework. Details about product production, the material source, does the brand have a mission statement?

Crewed Up with Cashmere Boyfriend V-Neck Sweater, Pineapple CandyEarrings and Slip Skirt

I’ve got a great question for my ladies of a certain age, can we defy gravities effect on our face? Before we get to the answer,  let’s examine if gravity is the culprit or perhaps the loss of facial fat. According to a New York Times article, the author posed an even better concern, is […]

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