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Women's Heart Health: What You Need To Know
I hate to start with the staggering statistics that heart disease affects about 44 million U.S. women. But I am. According to the American Heart Association, women are two times more likely to die than men within the first few weeks of a heart attack. I want to dive into Women’s Heart Health: What you need to know.

February Is Healthy Heart Month

It’s possible to survive a cardiac event. Knowing the signs and responding with fast action can make all the difference between life, death, and survival. Some research says subtle symptoms show up one month before the actual heart event. Know your body.

President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jackie Kennedy arrive at Love FIeld in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963.

Jackie Kennedy’s Pink Suit  We all know how the First Lady’s fashion can help enhance the President’s image. In November 1963, President Kennedy asked Jackie what she planned to wear for their trip to Dallas. The President and Jackie favored the pink ensemble already worn on six occasions. But did you know Jackie Kennedy’s pink […]

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