Blogger, Over the HIlda

What I relish about social media, are the opportunities to connect with like-minded middle age empty nester women. As you know, some of my past interactions are face to face like the MeetUps in October and March, others virtual. Today, please meet Ireland’s top blogger:  Over the Hilda my newest Forever Fierce friendship. Read on to find out more about Hilda, the wife, mother to two daughters and grandmother to one grandson from Dublin.  We have more in common than you think.

Photo of Blogger, Over the Hilda's Ireland
Meet Ireland’s Top Blogger: Over the Hilda. Giant’s Causeway, on the north coast of County Antrim in Northern Ireland – it is an area of about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns, the result of an ancient volcanic fissure eruption and is UNESCO World Heritage site. It is a significant tourist attraction.
