Last month, I retired from the pharmaceutical industry after 26 years. During my time there, as a representative, I had the privilege of being provided with a corporate vehicle. That perk allowed me to drive safe and reliable cars for all those years. However, now that I have retired, I have decided to say goodbye to company cars and say hello to my Alfa Romeo Stelvio.
Eleven Years Ago Today, I Leaped Into Social Media With My Age of Grace Blog

This morning, my Google Photos reminded me of what I did on January 15, 2012. Eleven years ago today, I leaped into social media with my Age of Grace blog. I didn’t need Google to remind me because I launched my blog eleven years ago on Martin Luther King Day. Perhaps because I usually took […]
Happy New Year! And Adios to 2023

Happy New Year! And adios to 2023. Every January, I embrace the fresh start that the new month brings. This year, I’m only carrying forth the wisdom and strength I’ve gained. But first, before welcoming the new, I must go down Memory Lane to look at past intentions and where I deliberately spent my time.
Holiday Relaxation at the Hershey Spa

We know things can get hectic as we enter the celebratory Christmas season. I intentionally plan annual relaxation at the Hershey Spa to escape the hustle and bustle.
It’s the 40th Anniversary of the PA Christmas + Gift Show

I didn’t mind the freezing temperatures before the sun rose this morning to preview the 40th annual Christmas + Gift Show at the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex. A media preview is a blogger’s delight to view significant events before the doors open to the public—the eerily quiet six acres of the annual Christmas + Gift […]
A Must-See on Your Holiday List Is The Longwood Gardens Retro Christmas Theme

In this season of holiday celebrations, if you live in the Central Pennsylvania area, a must-see on your holiday list is the Longwood Gardens retro Christmas exhibit, which is excellent. Last weekend, my daughter, Channing, and I motored to Kennett Square in Chester County, sometimes referred to as the mushroom capital of the world, to […]
Are You Falling Into Well-being?

Can you believe it’s already September? Any new season, mostly Autumn, is a perfect time to ask yourself, Are You Falling Into Well-being? COVID-19 is still waxing and waving in Central Pennsylvania. This week, the PA Department of Health reported 1,000 new instances and 18 more deaths. The latest report raises the statewide total of […]
Why Do We Love The Color Blue?

When I can’t think of a blog post title, I usually ask a question. Here it goes: Why do we love the color blue?
Remembering Costume Designer Walter Plunkett

Hello, Beauties🌸 Today’s post, I’m remembering Costume Designer Walter Plunkett. One of the ways I like to relax on a rainy day is to watch the Turner Classic Movie Network. Here, I indulge in Hollywood’s Golden Age of visual style in black-and-white filmmaking. I viewed this time as a historical period when storytelling and […]