Talking about body waste is undoubtedly not the most pleasant topic to discuss, but last week, I did just that by sharing what urine can tell one about one’s health. If we are talking about number one, we must consider number two. With that being said, today’s health focus is bowel movements or, if you will, the scoop on poop.
Like urine, bowel movements are an essential mechanism for removing toxins from the body. The colon serves as a holding tank for waste matter. Scientific and medical research has shown that a proper balance between intestinal bacteria is vital to long-term health.
People can have bowel movements as infrequently as three times a week, but many health practitioners maintain that having them at least twice a day is essential. It is worth taking the time to look at the bowel movement results before you flush. The following chart guides what to expect. Consider shape, size, smell, and shade.