Are you a menopause victim? Is an expanding waistline considered the price of getting older?  For women like myself, this can be true after menopause when body fat tends to shift to the abdomen. Not only does the fat around the middle age you, research shows that belly fat also carries serious health risks.

What you may not know is how dangerous the fat around your middle really is, increasing your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and colorectal cancer.
What’s behind the belly fat?  Your weight is determined by how you balance the calories you eat with the energy you burn.  If you eat too much and exercise too little, you’re likely to pack on excess pounds- including belly fat.  You and I know aging also plays a role. Muscle mass typically diminishes with age, while fat increases.  Loss of muscle mass also decreases the rate at which your body uses calories, which can make it more challenging to maintain a healthy weight.
