Banff National Park

Happy New Year! And Adios to 2023

Happy New Year! And adios to 2023. Every January, I embrace the fresh start that the new month brings. This year, I’m only carrying forth the wisdom and strength I’ve gained.

Adios to 2-23 in my Cinq á Sept Denim Foil Jacket and Pants

But first, before welcoming the new, I must go down Memory Lane to look at past intentions and where I deliberately spent my time.

Adios to 2023 posing with Holiday Decorations in Harrisburg (more…)

Airplane Outfit to Canadian Rockies

Our first significant travel north by northwest to the Canadian Rockies and beyond didn’t disappoint. The 2016 theme for my annual trip to the Philadelphia Flower Show:  Explore America: 100 Years of National Parks. That show sparked my interest in exploring national parks in the United States and Canadian Rockies. For most of our vacations, […]

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