2015 marks nearly 18 years of working in the pharmaceutical indust y. During that nearly 20-year span, I developed a vested interest in healthcare, especially as it pertains to women.
The Mighty Vitamin D
The Mighty Vitamin D What I love about my job is that I do not sit in an office all day. I can’t complain about not getting fresh air and sunshine every day. During my annual physical earlier this year, my complete blood count (CBC) showed I have insufficient vitamin D. We hear all […]
A Sure Shot
Anyone else lured into online discount deals offered by Living Social? I was! A photography class offered by the Philadelphia Photo Arts Center was a sure shot (pun intended) for me.
Watermelon Man
Since it is summertime, I picked a great time to talk about watermelons. August 3 is National Watermelon Day. There was the watermelon man before there were Farmer’s Markets or street vendors selling fresh produce. In the inner city neighborhoods of Philadelphia, I can recall during the hot summer months, especially on Fridays. This man, […]
Women of Grace: Meet Julia
Today’s Women of Grace: Meet Julia McNair Chatwell, 56. Julia is wife to Richard, mother to Richard, Jr. (Rocky) and Sarah, and grandmother to Emma. She lives in a beach house in a small town on the coast of Texas. Instagram provided me with the opportunity to discover Julia. Julia truly fits the profile of […]
The Whitney
On my road trip to visit my daughter last weekend, we ventured to Manhattan’s Meatpacking District to see The Whitney. The Whitney Museum of American Art is the world’s leading museum of twentieth-century and contemporary art in the United States. It was founded by sculptor and arts patron Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney. The museum is brand spanking […]
Bonne Bouche
Bonne Bouche! Wait, let me get this phrase correct since I have vague memories of my French classes in high school. Let me get the proper definition so I don’t mislead you. According to Webster, bonne bouche is a dessert that is supremely delicious or appetizing. The definition goes on to say a choice […]
It’s Monumental
It’s Monumental! What? On my recent trip to Washington, D. C., I saw all the classic sights that most people have explored over the years. The monuments dedicated to people who made American history—you know them—are the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial, and the newest one, the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, […]
Go Purple
It is time to go purple! Why? Because June is Alzheimer’s Awareness month. I missed the June 21 date that is set aside to wear purple and alert people about the prevalence of Alzheimer’s. However, it’s never too late to learn more about this disease. Just what is Alzheimer’s disease? Alzheimer’s is a fatal disease […]
WordCamp Philly 2015
Philly WordCamp 2015 June is the perfect time to re-visit my 2015 Vision Board goals. I update and add to it quarterly. I treat it like a living document to help me stay focused and accomplish my objectives. So, last weekend, I fulfilled another aspiration when I attended my first WordCamp Philly 2015. What is […]