I Got Spring Fever Are the crazy winter temperatures driving you to think warmer, spring-like thoughts? March’s arrival looks promising — Daylight Savings Time is less than two weeks away, and spring starts Sunday, March 20th. Easter, St. Patty’s Day, and the Philadelphia Flower Show (this year’s theme being the centennial of the National Park Service) […]
NYC, One Stop Destination for Culture, Fashion and the Arts
NYC, One Stop Destination for Culture, Fashion and the Arts. When you live in a small town in the USA, like I do, a trip to New York City is the ultimate one-stop destination for culture, fashion, and the arts. My hubby and I motored to New York City for a belated birthday celebration […]
Heart to Heart
The American Heart Association (not surprisingly) has chosen February as Heart Heath month. Perhaps, its easier to have a heart to heart chat about health with Valentines Day and all of its trappings.
Announcing My First Giveaway Winner
Today, February 11, I am announcing my first giveaway winner. The contest was first mentioned in my What’s Going On? post. Congratulations, Netta Young-Johnson!
Lately, when I look in the mirror, I feel like I’m looking at a molehill. The moles on my face and body have exponentially exploded since I’ve gotten older. In my teens, a dark, regular mole on your cheek was considered very attractive. Who didn’t want a beauty mole like Elizabeth Taylor’s on her lower […]
Lady in Red: Nina Forrest
na February is American Heart Month, a time to raise awareness of the disease that causes one in three deaths each year. In honor of this, I am going to introduce a new series on the blog, Lady in Red, focusing on women’s heart health. Meet Nina Forrest, an artisan jeweler living in Albuquerque, New […]
What’s Going On?
What’s going on at The Age of Grace? My blog post title is a 1971 Marvin Gaye hit about the goings-on revolving around the Vietnam War veterans as they returned home from war. Fast forward to 2016, nearly every morning, my BFF Cynthia asks me the very same question, “What’s going on?” as we both […]
It’s My Blogaversary
While the country celebrates Martin Luther King, Jr. Day every year, this time in January is also a personal milestone for me: my blogaversary! This year, my blog, The Age of Grace, turns three. This online space continues to be a labor of love, a creative outlet to express myself and, hopefully, impact other women […]
What About Exercise?
Many people resolve to improve their health at the start of the new year, and exercise is the number one way to achieve measurable results. I decided to exercise consistently when I was diagnosed with borderline high blood pressure. I challenged myself to do and be better. In 2012, I walked my first half-marathon. […]
Looking Back
I no longer do New Year’s resolutions. I’ve found greater success creating vision boards that align with my goals for the upcoming year. Also, I’ve found that my blog makes it especially easy for me to recap my escapades and accomplishments while focusing on what’s to come. For the last two weeks, I’ve been in […]