In August 2019, I finally launched my Instagram TV channel with the thrill and excitement of including my photo in the September 25th issue. Recently, on Christmas Eve, I added another episode for the AARP: SIsterhood Is Beautiful Essay Contest. As a year in review, 2019 marked defining moments.
Opportunities to turn virtual friendships into real connections at Afternoon Teas, shopping destinations, small business owners, big and small retailers.
The Deets On The Fierce Con NYC Brunch

Since joining the Forever Fierce community in October 2017, it’s become a new tradition to find ways to celebrate women over the age of 50 in NYC. First, it was a fashion show sponsored by Chico’s at their Broadway store, then lunch at Fig and Olive last year. On Saturday, my best friend and I ventured […]
We Celebrated Our Journeys on International Women’s Day at Athleta

Hello, Beauties🌸 Today’s post is a replay of how we celebrated our journeys on International Women’s Day at Athleta. For the last four weeks, I have excitedly bombarded my social media platforms to get the word out about attending my first Harrisburg MeetUp. Friday, March 8, amidst the threat of snow, weather permitting, it happened. […]
Join Us For, Are You Vital, Visible, and Vibrant? Conversation at Athleta

Hello, Beauties🌸 Today’s post is about joining us for the Are You Vital, Vibrant, and Visible? Conversation at Athleta in Harrisburg.
Time To Restart The Clock

Hello, Beauties🌸 Today’s post, It’s Time To Restart The Clock for 2019. As you may know, I like to utilize Vision Boards. It’s my way of reminding myself of my goals. You know the saying, out of sight, out of mind.
The Mini Fierce Con NYC MeetUp at Fig & Olive

Hello, Beauties🌸 Today’s post is all about The Mini Fierce Con NYC MeetUp at Fig & Olive on Saturday, October 20.
The Mini Fierce Con NYC MeetUp

Hello, Beauties🌸 Today’s post the details about the mini Fierce Con NYC MeetUp on Saturday, October 20. So, before learning more about the Fierce Con NYC Meetup, here’s some history on how this tribe came together. The Forever Fierce founder, Catherine Grace O’Connell, likes the number 19. On February 19, 2017, the 50th day of […]
We Exercised Our Mouths At The Athleta NYC MeetUp

Hello Beauties! Today’s post is about another social styling shopping event. This time, we exercised our mouths at the Athleta NYC MeetUp on Thursday, September 13.
Come to the Athleta NYC MeetUp To Jumpstart Your Athleisure Look

Hello, Beauties! It’s that time again for event planner me. This September 13th, come to the Athleta NYC MeetUp to jumpstart your athleisure look. I’m ready to trade in my strait-laced style with the help of Athleta and, of course, with my Forever Fierce sister girlfriends in the Big Apple.
How A Virtual Connection Became Real in New York City

Staying socially active as we age is as important as staying physically active. As my career is nearing retirement, opportunities to socialize will fizzle. Instead, they are abounding with opportunities to meet up with other like-minded women as a member of the Forever Fierce group. And today, I want to explain how that came to […]