
Here are all of my lifestyle posts featuring my family, travel, home decor, and inspirations.

  If one believed AAA, more than 36 million people will take to the roads this Memorial Day weekend. I was one of them. I traveled less than 15 miles to the Hershey Lodge and Convention Center for the 2014 Club Twenty-one annual Shining Moments. Memorial Day weekend marks the unofficial start of summer; I […]

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Philly State of Mind

The last two weekends, I entertained a Philly State of Mind. I journeyed to Philly last week to spend time with my Mom for Mother’s Day.  This week, I motored southeast, and the drive nearly came to a crawl on the Schuylkill Expressway because of the many events people were traveling to in and around […]

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  Mum’s the Word Once again, the calendar says it is time to celebrate Mom.  I asked the same question last year: why do we need a holiday to remember our beloved mothers?  The Word of God says to honor thy father and mother as a commandment.  Anna Jarvis, as a woman defined by her […]

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Spring Allergies

Spring Is Here, and So Are Allergies One of the aspects I enjoy about not having a traditional desk job is the opportunity to be outside and relish the seasons as they change. Telltale signs that spring is here—empty roller coasters being tested at Hershey Park, the mulched lawns, the yellow daffodils, yellow forsythia bushes, […]

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On The Road Again, This Time PSU

On the Road Again, This Time PSU Happy Valley Earlier this week, I shared with you my venture to New York City to help my daughter move to her apartment on the Upper East Side. The same week, I was on the road again. This time, PSU Happy Valley. It seems something is always happening […]

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Afternoon Tea at The Plaza Hotel

and Afternoon Tea at the Plaza Hotel Tea or coffee? Tea! I have a long and varied association with enjoying tea and planning tea parties. I can recall playing with my doll babies and having tea. As a Jack and Jill of America member, I planned an Afternoon Garden Tea for the boys and girls […]

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Say Hello to Spring It will officially be spring in less than three weeks, and I can’t wait.  Bye-bye winter! With another winter storm this week’s threat, I am ready to say hello to spring. Luckily, I had my chance.  Who knew it would be that I could march into spring less than a two-hour […]

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My first year as a blogger reminds me of the game Beat the Clock. As the name implies, you are always trying to beat time. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing because it forces you to utilize your time well, be organized, and be consistent with self-appointed weekly deadlines. When I embarked on this new […]

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Don't Drop the Ball

Don’t Drop the Ball Goodbye, 2013 Hello, 2014  ome traditions will never die ……Out with the old, in with the new, the countdown to midnight, the singing of Auld Lang Syne, the dropping of the famous Waterford crystal ball from atop of a flagpole at One Times Square in N.Y.C   ery December 31, no less […]

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  I quickly drive over 30,000 miles annually as a pharmaceutical sales rep in Central Pennsylvania, so it’s no biggie to make a last-minute decision to drive to New York City to pick up my daughter for the Christmas Holiday. ‘Tis the season, another great time to visit Manhattan. After nearly one year of driving […]

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