
Here are all of my lifestyle posts featuring my family, travel, home decor, and inspirations.

I was challenged by to take a stroll down memory lane in their #TBT —wedding edition. It’s kind of sweet since my hubby and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary this year. We decided to forgo the traditional party celebrations. We opted not to revisit Hawaii, where we honeymooned, but to take a vacation in […]

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Does Anybody Know What Time It Is?

Daylight Savings Time/DST Does anyone know what time it is? Does anyone even care? It is time to fall back and examine a few things about time.  Goodbye, Daylight Savings Time! For those reading this and unfamiliar with the American rock band The Chicago Transit Authority (later known as Just Chicago), the opening quote is […]

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ANother Meetup, this Time KOP Mall

The world of social media has many disadvantages regarding privacy but also one advantage. It is a way to bring together women from different backgrounds and ages to network, socialize, and forge friendships. Four women did this very thing at another Meetup, this time at the King of Prussia Mall. I shared my adventure in […]

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Napa Rocks

Napa Rocks Napa rocks! Literally!  Little did I know that when I finally fell asleep at 1:30 a.m. after traveling nearly 3,000 miles for a vacation to Napa, I would be awakened in less than two hours by a severe 6.0 earthquake in downtown Napa at 3:20 a.m.  I thought Jesus was coming back!  The […]

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  Andy Warhol Hubby and I recently motored through the Appalachian Mountains via four tunnels as we headed west on the turnpike to Da ‘Burgh! That’s Pittsburgh. One would think Pittsburgh was an island with its 446 bridges. The City of Bridges connects the city’s hills, ravines, and three rivers and is an attractive town, […]

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Your skin can say a lot about your health, especially about your face. It’s viewed as a mirror to our health. Can you tell I have a mild fascination with non-traditional alternative medicine? First, I mentioned the Ayurvedic (Indian) medicine method of dry skin brushing, and today, I want to talk about face mapping. This […]

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Memory Lane Do you remember I told you last week how I fell off the exercise bandwagon and sought wearable technology with an app to help me get back into my 10,000-step-per-day routine with my FitBit Band? Now, not even two weeks later, I have misplaced the FitBit charger, and my motivation has somewhat dwindled, […]

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Fifth Avenue and Charles James Exhibit

When I think of Fifth Avenue, I think of women wearing hats and gloves and sashaying in furs while walking their pedigreed dogs. Perhaps I have watched way too many film noir movies. Anyhow, I am still learning about the rich culture that is well-established in Manhattan, especially on the Upper East Side. My daughter […]

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Genie Boy

The third Sunday in June, and you know what that means: time to celebrate Dads! It’s Father’s Day! It’s no surprise that Father’s Day was instituted following the success of Mother’s Day, inspired by Anna Jarvis. Another woman, Sonora Dodd, was behind the movement to recognize fathers and fatherhood. It’s a great time to talk […]

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Polyvore NYC Meetup

  I recently discovered an online social networking website that facilitates offline group meetings with common interests in various locations worldwide. I saw a  #meetuplyvore in New York City upon exploring this site. I am always game to motor to the Big Apple for fun, exploration, and seeing my daughter. Social media sites are funny. […]

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