
Here are all of my lifestyle posts featuring my family, travel, home decor, and inspirations.

Truth Be Told - 2019 Was Pretty Awesome

In August 2019, I finally launched my Instagram TV channel with the thrill and excitement of including my photo in the September 25th issue. Recently, on Christmas Eve, I added another episode for the AARP: SIsterhood Is Beautiful Essay Contest.  As a year in review, 2019 marked defining moments.

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We Won the AARP, Sisterhood is Beautiful Essay Contest

August 2019 was the most exciting month for me as a blogger.  When I received notification from InStyle Magazine, a photo I submitted was selected for the September 25th Anniversary issue for the Real Style section. Bet er yet, I entered the essay competition for a one-year-old website celebrating black women: the site, Sisters from […]

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2ChicDesigner Family and Friends at her first trunk show at the Barnes Museum Store Sunday on December 1, 2019.

Here in Central Pennsylvania, on December 1, the forecast called for the threat of wintry precipitation. Fortunately, the only condensation was a deluge of non-stop rain.  The weather didn’t stop the first trunk show of Etsy store owner Cynthia of 2ChicDesigns, featured at Barnes Museum First Sunday in Philadelphia.

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September 8, hubby and I celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary at my favorite place to dine for brunch, the Hotel Hershey. Not wanting to overlook our 35 years of marriage, we planned another as we say five-star trip. Read part one of our luxury European vacation on the Douro River. When I first discovered European […]

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Photo Shoot at Reading Pagoda With Lanternflies

Last Saturday, my best friend, a resident budding photographer, her assistant, and I motored to The Reading Pagoda for a haunting photoshoot. Little did we know there was an infestation of an Asian bug called lanternflies. After endless swatting, I say, Reading Pagoda, you can keep your spotted lanternflies.

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September InStyle Magazine RealStyle Eugenia Russell Hargrove

With many fashion publications falling by the wayside, InStyle magazine is celebrating 25 years. Congratulations. And guess what? I get to commemorate, too. Why? According to InStyle Magazine, I’m no shrinking violet. Find me in the Real Style section on page 72.

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Hot Girl Weekend in Miami

Last weekend, I planned a visit to the Big Apple for my daughter Channing, who would accompany me to a hair salon for a new look.  The itinerary quickly changed to include a complimentary hot girl weekend in Miami’s South Beach. When I called to confirm our plans, I learned that my fashion writer daughter, […]

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2019 Club Twenty-One Teri Jon Gown

Hello, Beauties🌸 Today’s post, the details on Another Soirée To Remember, my annual black-tie event. Most people celebrate Memorial Day with cookouts and family gatherings, hopefully acknowledging those who lost their lives protecting the United States. The hubby and I, along with four other couples, observe the long weekend with a black-tie event. Where? The […]

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