
Here are all of my posts featuring health-related topics with tips for aging gracefully beyond the age of 50.

My Flu-Rona Holiday Quandaries

My end-of-year holiday typically includes visits with family and friends and venturing out for planned Christmas activities. However, this year, my Flu-Rona holiday quandaries derailed any plans. It’s a New Year and yet another novel term to describe updated COVID-19 and flu symptoms: the word Flu-Rona.

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Are You Still Smoking?

Are You Still Smoking?  If yes, today is the Great American Smokeout, the perfect day to consider quitting smoking. According to the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it takes 8 to 11 attempts to quit smoking.

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Harrisburg Capital Fountain dyed bright oink for annual breast cancer awareness

It’s October why so much pink. Here’s a little history about the origins and roots of the pink month. Breast Cancer Awareness campaigns began in 1985 as a partnership between the American Cancer Society and the pharmaceutical division of Imperial Chemicals Industries (ICI.)  Even since then, every October, we see pink. I must note that […]

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Gingham, a 50s fashion trend

Aren’t we all striving to live our best life, especially as Midlifers?  Don’t we want to thrive and be enriched in this chapter of our lives?  While considering this thought, do you know the hierarchy of our basic needs? Lots of questions to ponder.

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Sugary Foods and Poor Lifestyle Choices Could Catapult You Into Diabetes

It’s a fact that sugary foods and poor lifestyle choices could catapult you into diabetes. The staggering statistics say that an estimated 9 percent of Americans live with diabetes; that’s about 30 million people.  It’s essential to learn the facts about diabetes to stay healthy.

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Dietary Demons That Contribute to the Aging Process

. We’ve heard the saying, “We are what we eat.” This phrase takes on new meaning as a midlifer striving to live out my best days in excellent health. Today, I’m diving deep into the dietary demons that speed up aging. It seems simple enough to wear sunscreen daily to ward off wrinkles, not smoke, […]

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City Island, Harrisburg, PA

I didn’t approach midlife with gloom and doom.  In fact, I welcome this next chapter of my life. Now that I’m a full-fledged midlifer, I have one serious body challenge; belly fat. Would you mind helping me explore the many factors that contribute to abdominal obesity? I’ve found ways to camouflage my middle.  In this […]

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Is the Delta Variant Looming Over Us?

I’d rather talk about summer fashion and getting back to everyday living. However, I feel compelled to explore how the Delta Variant Is Looming Over Us.

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The Positive Effects of Being Outside

Are you a nature lover or more of an indoor gal?  I know I spend too much time in front of a screen or other electronic devices. There are many activities one can do. Nevertheless, let’s talk about the positive effects of being outdoors. Health experts say getting some Vitamin N for nature can reduce […]

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