
Here are all of my posts featuring health-related topics with tips for aging gracefully beyond the age of 50.

Why So Blue?

5 Things I Know This April 1 1. Spring has sprung! I see the trees sprouting leaves, flowers blooming, and grass beginning to grow. These seasonal changes make for excellent discussions for me with medical professionals to discuss how their patients could benefit from switching up their medications. 2. In less than 27 days, I […]

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Don't Let Smoke Get Into Your Eyes

Don’t Let Smoke Get Into Your Eyes Last week, I was fascinated by the rites, rituals, and traditions used by the Catholic Church in Vatican City to inform everyone about the selection of the new pope. On the first day of the conclave, the cardinal-electors assemble in St. Peter’s Basilica to attend morning Mass.  In […]

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When I think of February being the shortest month of the year and the only month with fewer than 30 days, many fun events/activities come to mind: Black History Month, Super Bowl (yay Ravens), Valentine’s Day, Ground Hog Day, and President’s Day. However, Heart Healthy Month has been relatively new on the calendar in recent […]

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Today, I am wearing leather for my outfit pose/post. As you know, leather is a durable and flexible material created by tanning animal rawhide and skin. Today, I wanted to focus on another type of skin: human skin. How should we protect our skin, especially as African Americans or people of color? How durable is […]

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As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found a few things to know as my ‘saving grace.’ We all have items or things that we do that we couldn’t imagine having to live and don’t want to, honestly, live without. As I got older, my hormones changed. My hair changed, including its color, texture, and even thickness. […]

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Even though subscriptions to magazines through different apps and e-readers are hugely prevalent, I still like to subscribe to the magazines I can hold. It’s relaxing to read about fashion and beauty (it’s a Calgon moment—take me away).  I find it interesting that 90% of the articles one reads in fashion magazines focus on outer […]

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