
Here are all of my posts featuring health-related topics with tips for aging gracefully beyond the age of 50.

The verdict is in: Sugar is toxic. And we shouldn’t be surprised.  Health campaigners have been talking about how bad sugar is for years. Sugar is linked to obesity and suspected of, or fully implicated, as a cause in the occurrence of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia, macular degeneration, and tooth decay.  The truth […]

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Watered Down Last week, we suffered through massive amounts of rainfall and, this week, a heatwave.  Officially, a heat wave is defined as three continuous days of high temperatures in the 90’s.  With temperatures already soaring, what are you doing to keep sufficiently hydrated? Tired of sipping the same plain old bottled water? Don’t you […]

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  The influential Male Department. When I visited any of the many Center City department stores in Philly, I could take the escalator or the elevator to the area where I wanted to shop that day.  When you took the elevator, someone was stationed there to direct you to the respective department on each floor. […]

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Battle of the Bulge

Battle of the Bulge Are you a menopause victim? Is an expanding waistline considered the price of getting older?  For women like myself, this can be true after menopause when body fat tends to shift to the abdomen. Not only does the fat around middle age, but research shows that belly fat also carries serious […]

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I Can See Now Recently, I went to see Baz Luhrmann’s highly anticipated adaptation of The Great Gatsby. I re-read the book to reacquaint myself with the storyline and characters, but the irony of needing 3-D glasses to appreciate the visual splendor was fascinating. And to be honest, it was a little confusing: Do I […]

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All Hail Kale, The New SuperFood Does anyone remember Popeye–the sailor man?  Remember how he would eat spinach and have super strength to defend Olive Oyl or put his enemies at bay by eating an uncooked can of spinach?  Spinach is no longer the superpower food. It’s kale. I am having a kale moment, enjoying […]

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Here’s to a good night’s Sleep Is it me, or has anyone else noticed Sleep Centers popping up? It’s probably just me noticing since I drive to every doctor’s office in Harrisburg and surrounding areas. When did this become a thing? Going to a sleep center? Are we not sleeping correctly? It seems to be […]

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2013 Nike Women's Half Marathon in D.C.

We Run D.C.  Yesterday, I embarked on my first-ever Women’s Half-Marathon in Washington, D.C. (#WeRunDC, ha!). I’ve never been the most athletic, so what would possess me to challenge myself physically–and to such extremes? Perhaps it was the alarming statistic that “4 out of 5 African American women are obese or overweight.” Registration The Nike […]

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Start Making Strides Sitting in that office chair non-stop or driving around in that car all day could kill you.  Failing to move regularly throughout your day can be a contributor to a range of diseases affecting your heart, circulation, and respiratory systems, some of which could lead to early death.  We should all know […]

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A Silent Killer, High Blood Pressure

Silent But Deadly, High Blood Pressure I thought I was blessed with excellent health, but a recent trip to the doctor proved otherwise–that I have pre-hypertension. Because high blood pressure usually causes no symptoms until complications develop, it is known as the “silent killer.”  While high blood pressure or hypertension was once thought of as […]

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