Does anybody remember my buzz and excitement about going to the casting agency in New York City in April? That occasion conjured up memories of my experience in a 2010 Estroven print advertisement. It also brought dreams of stylists, makeup artists and what will I wear in the fall campaign to the forefront. Screech, stop, and hold on, why? The Jon James Agency for Chico’s fall campaign said no.
Let’s rewind to properly set the stage for this post. The goal of the February 19th launch of the Fierce 50 Group was to get the attention of advertisers, retailers, and agencies that women over the age of 50 are still vital, beautiful, and relevant in the fashion industry. Mission accomplished!
Chico’s came calling to this group of over 50 bloggers across the United States. Many of the West Coast ladies participated in a Chico’s Girlfriend video, while others held styling sessions at their respective Chico’s stores. I was even invited to team up with the magazine Real Simple for a styling event at the New York City Chico’s. Unfortunately, I already had plans to travel with my husband to Pittsburgh.
I must say regarding my participation in the Fierce 50 Campaign, I serve on the Fierce 50 planning committee. I’m thankful for the friendships and associations with other bloggers of a certain age. Here is where you learn about anyone getting the opportunities: By the time I received my email from Jon James, I already knew the answer was… no. because of the buzz from the ones selected.
I’m not disappointed that Chico’s didn’t choose me. I was incredibly flattered to get the email inviting me to Manhattan. As you may recall, I had three minutes to answer questions about myself and exhibit my personality. The Estroven 2010 selection process was much easier since I used their product and just answered a few questions. And social media followers didn’t play into the equation.
The Jon James Agency did provide me with the list of questions beforehand, so I wasn’t blindsided. My daughter even prayed with me before I went behind the private curtain for my photos and presentation.
Was I clueless or just delighted to think I could be in a national campaign? Was my participation in the first Fierce 50 campaign that got me attention from Chico’s? Or perhaps there is a growing interest in using real women to represent major clothing lines?

I typically get anxious when asked about my social media numbers. That was the dead giveaway for my non-selection. There is no significant return on investment when one has less than 2000 followers on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and your blog.
It’s good to talk about and understand rejection. It’s life. We don’t always get what we want when we want it. I do believe other options will come my way. My blog is a great gift, especially for readers like you who are interested in my adventures.
If I’ve never thanked you, thank you for staying with me on this blogging journey. I appreciate you.
Have a fabulous, stylish, and healthy week.
It is disappointing, but it was a fun experience. Heck, I didn’t even get an emailing saying no!!
And “meeting” you and all of these other women, has made this campaign even more wonderful than I could have ever imagined!
Hi! I agree it’s disappointing not being cast for the Chico’s fall campaign. However, the best part of being involved in the Fierce 50 Revolution is my/our virtual friendships and knowing we will meet soon.
I never scroll past your blog because you are so beautiful and classic. I’m sure it was disappointing but I would imagine it was Chicos loss.
Hi! Thank you so much for visiting the Age of Grace. I do appreciate your kinds words. I can understand why the rationale behind not being chosen for the Chico’s fall campaign. Most retailers want a return on investment, meaning a broad audience to shop the looks. I unfortunately right now do not have a super huge following. But one day I will.
Hi Eugenia,
You demonstrate class and sophistication! I love your blog and share it with ladies on my job. During my next ladies night I will have the 8 young ladies view your blog so your following will grow.
Stay encouraged and you will be invited next time.
Best regards,
Hello, my friend! Thank you for stopping by The Age of Grace to encourage me. I appreciate it. You know you and have need to get together so I can gift you a handbag from my friend’s Etsy store.
You look Fantastic in this dress. I understand all about disappointment and know that you are one Elegant and Beautiful Lady. Jon James don’t stop no show! I was not picked for the fierce 50 campaign and have no ill feelings, because I got to meet many other 50+ ladies. Even though It appears that number of followers have more importance in the blogging world, I still prefer to just have Good Friends.
Thank you, my new friend, I appreciate your kindness. I believe I wasn’t chosen by Chico’s because it boils down to followers, one day I will have the supporters.
Please know anyone female blogger over the age of 50 can join the Fierce 50 Revolution. Please accede to the Fierce 50 Revolution Facebook page, and I will add you to the list for the next campaign scheduled for the fall. Thank you again, my dear friend.
Good morning Eugenia, I love your style….classy and sexy…..I always tend to stick with Black Shoes when wearing a Black Dress you have given me an idea to add a dash of color with the shoes !!!
Hi! Thank you for stopping by The Age of Grace. Thank you for your kind words. I must admit, I just recently started adding a pop of color when I wear black. As we now know, adding that pop of color to a basic black outfit is très chic.
It all seems so silly, based on followers! You are amazing in every way. And especially in all the ways that are important! Besides being very beautiful on the outside with great style you are one of the kindest people on ig. Something wonderful is coming your way! Better to have 2000 people who love seeing and hearing from you than 200,000 that are not engaged! Do not get discouraged. You just do you! I for one think you are wonderful!
Wow! Thank you so much for your encouragement regarding not being chosen for the Chico’s Fall campaign. I’ve gotten to know some wonderful women including yourself, that is what I enjoy.
Hey Beautiful! Chico’s said no, but best believe others will say yes! I love what you are doing Eugenia!
Hi! Thanks for stopping by The Age of Grace to encourage me. I appreciate you, my Fierce 50 sister.
Chico’s reached out to many bloggers who were not members of the FF Eugenia. They know we are here and have been collaborating with many over 50 bloggers for years. It’s their loss for not choosing you! Keep being fabulous!!!
Hi! Thank you for your insight into the Chico’s selection process. I appreciate your encouragement.