Yesterday, I motored to Buck County. Why? To spend the afternoon dining in charming Peddler’s Village with influencer friends.
Peddler’s Village is less than 60 years old. It started as a simple roadside country market. All the buildings look like historical replicas, especially the Grist Mill, which has an operating water wheel.
Today, the property’s 42 acres scream old-fashioned with its winding brick pathways reminding one of life in Colonial times.
Now that we know more about Peddler’s Shopping and Restaurant Village, how about the lovely ladies I met for lunch at Cock ‘n Bull. The flagship restaurant for more than four decades.

It was great to meet up today for alfresco dining with Jersey girls Michele @seechele_styles and Kim @kandidlykim. I met both beauties at my first planned NYC Meetup in October 2017. Today, I met delightful Bucks County bloggers Jo @ldywhobrunches and Julie @justjuliesstyle.

Thank you to Michele for organizing a fun small group. It felt good to rekindle friendships and forge new ones. How about you? Are you resuming most social activities since the COVID-19 vaccines?
As always, thank you for reading.