Summer officially starts this Saturday. We can’t avoid those additional hours of sunshine, so we need to protect our skin, the largest organ of the body. Let’s dig deeper and ask the question: Do people with dark skin need SPF every day?
Whether in front of the computer screen near a window or stepping out for fresh air, you must wear SPF (sun protection factor) daily. Why? Appropriately used, certain sunscreens help protect human skin from some of the sun’s damaging UV radiation.
All types of radiation that hit the earth can cause skin cancer. It’s worth noting the differences in UV radiation. There are three types:
UVA rays: Longwave ultraviolet radiation that is mainly responsible for premature aging.
UVB rays: Short wave ultraviolet radiation that’s mainly responsible sunburns.
UVC rays: The ozone layers absorb them before reaching the earth.
Because of the Coronavirus outbreak, I’ve spent more hours indoors, except when I intentionally took the time to upgrade my backyard sanctuary.

One of the best tips I ever received for taking care of my aging skin is to wear a good SPF 30 or higher sunscreen. I learned the importance of SPF during my initial visit to a dermatologist nearly twenty years ago. I believe adding an everyday SPF helps me fight off the wrinkles.
Melanin is a naturally occurring pigment in the body that is responsible for the color of your skin. The more melanin you have, the darker your skin. Melanin offers some natural protection against UVB radiation. Dark skin has a natural SPF of 13.4, whereas light skin has a natural SPF of only 3.4.
The bottom line is that people with dark skin need SPF every day. Google “Do Black People Need Sunscreen? You get over 70 million results that all emphasize a resounding yes.
Final note: There are non-chalky choices when the product doesn’t contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. If you wear foundation, most provide some level of SPF protection. I use a separate application of SPF 30 or higher as part of my daily routine.
As always, thank you for reading. Please stay safe. Corona is still lurking in the world.