In today’s blog post, I will answer Chico’s question: How Bold Are You?
Earlier this year, Chico’s contacted me and a few other ladies in the Forever Fierce group to participate in their spring/summer campaign about age positivity.
March is Women’s History Month and an excellent time for Chico’s to introduce the How Bold Are You campaign, as it encourages women to band together in support of our respective ages by literally saying it with our chest.
To me, wearing Chico’s T-shirt as part of the company’s How Bold Are You campaign is a defining moment to take a stand for my age. I started blogging five years ago, believing that representation matters for the mature female voice because, as Academy Award-winning actress Frances McDormand said in her Best Actress acceptance speech at the Oscars, “we all have stories to tell.”
The stories I tell on The Age of Grace revolve around how to age gracefully, with health awareness tips. They serve as a reminder to myself to be socially active and a way to connect with like-minded women (most of whom are over the age of 50). I’ve had a lifetime of earning my stripes as a woman, daughter, mom, and wife, so now is the time to be bold and fierce.
Hit the play arrow on the above YouTube video. What do you see in less than 10 seconds? Female flashers, if you will, some who show their age, and maybe we don’t. Society doesn’t always recognize and represent seasoned women, but Forever Fierce is working to redefine older women.
We are not old, seniors, matronly, past our prime, or ancient. Instead, we see ourselves as vibrant, still ambitious, motivating, unafraid to share our opinions, and fashion-forward. And we know that we’re not alone in feeling this way.
I know that as a woman of a certain age, it’s easy to hide behind hashtags on social media, but I can’t do that in real life. I work in the pharmaceutical industry, which typically employs attractive young people. As we age, the workplace doesn’t always embrace women (older ones, especially); at times, it minimizes and overlooks us. Here’s where showing up daily, knowing your strengths, being confident, and bringing solutions help show you still deliver value.

I’m not wearing the correct age on my Chico’s How Bold Are You T-shirt. I am 62 years bold. Though I coordinated the order for the bloggers attending our meet-up, I neglected to inquire when my shirt would arrive.

Forever Fierce’s New York City meet-up was about taking a courageous stand together and revealing our respective ages. We are proud of who we are.

To join our midlife revolution (and eliminate any FOMO, especially the Manhattan meet-ups), email Catherine Grace O to join the Forever Fierce Facebook group. You can order the Chico’s How Bold Our You t-shirt here.

Remember, age is just a number. Thank you, Chico’s, for allowing me to celebrate aging boldly and fearlessly with the no-nonsense attitude I embrace.
Have a fabulous week!