Making New Year’s resolutions is easy but challenging to keep. According to Psychology Today, the average American abandons New Year intentions within six weeks of the beginning of the year. Instead of vowing to do better this year, I’m reimagining a new vision board for the new year.
I haven’t read Rhonda Bryne’s book The Secret (it came out in 2006), but the idea of the best-seller revolves around the law of attraction. Online sources tell Russian occultist Helena Blavatsky first used the term “law of attraction” in print in 1877. By focusing on the positive results, you can manifest those same thoughts in real life. I like to think I’m doing that with my vision board.
The process of cutting out words and photos that represent your vision is therapeutic. I try to choose descriptive adjectives from the pages of magazines that jump out, speaking to the essence of where I want to be and how I perceive myself. The second part is keeping the board before your eyes to focus on where you need to be and how to get there. I keep mine in a binder that I can quickly review daily.

Ringing in the new year brings a fresh reminder to stay focused on my health and my short—and long-term goals for the year. Writing down my dreams and desires helps me remain centered.

According to self-help author Maxwell Maltz in his 1960s book Psycho-Cybernetics, it takes 21 days to develop a habit. There is no magic number to establish a routine. You only make changes by being consistent and determined.
The vision board principle helps me to manage my personal and professional objectives since I still work full-time. It’s an excellent tool to help manifest your goals through visualization with vision boards.
As you can see on my vision board, I include primarily goals for The Age of Grace, but I also have goals for work, health, and exercise. What about you? Do you have any resolutions? Have you ever utilized a vision board? Do share in the comments section.
Thank you for reading. Have a fabulous, stylish, and healthy week.
I have not made a vision board nor any resolutions, but I love to read what all my Sistas post. I just plan on living my life out loud every year. Happy 2018 my Dear.