Chico’s Ribbon of Hope
While we enjoyed a long, hot summer that extended into fall, mid-October brings cooler temperatures, colorful foliage, and Breast Cancer Awareness. I look forward to sharing a post dedicated to drawing awareness to the pink ribbon every year. I’m wearing the Living Beyond Breast Cancer Chico’s Ribbon of Hope Tee this year.
In 1913, ten doctors cofounded the American Cancer Society with five other professionals (though not doctors) in New York City. According to the American Cancer Society’s website, at the time the organization was founded, it was known as the American Society for the Control of Cancer (ASCC), back when a cancer diagnosis meant death and was rarely mentioned in public, as the disease steeped in fear and denial. And get this: doctors sometimes didn’t even tell their patients they had cancer, and patients often did not inform friends and families they had cancer.

Breast Cancer is the most common form of cancer suffered by American women, including my mom, a 7-year survivor who had a double mastectomy. So, for the last 25 years, October has been designated to drum up awareness to share information while (literally) saving lives. With each year, the statistics get more promising. Early detection saves lives. Knowledge is power. Know your risks.

It’s essential to get a yearly mammogram for that very reason. One benefit of the Affordable Care Act is that the insurance provided by your employer will cover the costs of an annual mammogram. You won’t even have a co-pay. While Medicare pays 80% of the approved amount for the yearly screening mammograms for women ages 40 and over, most Medicare Advantage insurance plans will pay for it entirely, covering the costs 100%. Medicare will also pay for one regular mammogram for women ages 37 and 39.

There is all sorts of new technology for getting a mammogram. 3D Mammography can see more of the breast tissue to detect cancer better, providing the most accurate screenings. As a Pennsylvanian, the state will pay for free 3D and regular standard screenings.
If you would like to learn more about detecting or treating breast cancer, call the cancer helpline at 1 (800) 227-2345. If you or someone you know is a cancer patient, the Road to Recovery will provide free transportation to treatments and surgeries. The Hope Lodge, with more than 30 locations nationwide, will provide a place to stay during procedures.

Finally, Chico’s has partnered with Living Beyond Breast Cancer to connect people with trusted breast cancer information and a community of support. For every sale of its Ribbon of Hope t-shirt I wear in this post, Chico’s will donate $3.50 (up to $20,000) to benefit the non-profit.
You can join the fight to help women in need by purchasing Chico’s Ribbon of Hope tee, or you can click here to donate to the American Cancer Society 🎀
Thank you for reading. If you haven’t already, remember to schedule your annual mammogram. Have a fabulous and stylish week.
You always encourage us to take charge of our health and for that I am Thankful. You are rocking this outfit and those Shooze. . . .
Hello again! That’s what I enjoy about your blog, Madame Too Much, you school your readers on women’s health awareness and finances to name a few. You and I must have a thing for Shooze.