Many people resolve to improve their health at the start of the new year, and exercise is the number one way to achieve measurable results.
I decided to exercise consistently when I was diagnosed with borderline high blood pressure. I challenged myself to do and be better. In 2012, I walked my first half-marathon. Two years later, in June, I bought a Fitbit to help me stay on track and encourage me to exercise with measurable goals.
It troubles me when I see or hear about baby boomers — especially women — complaining about being overweight or suffering from chronic illnesses like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease. These conditions are often attributed to poor food choices and a sedentary lifestyle.
In case you haven’t made the conscious decision to make exercise part of your daily regimen, please consider the following benefits:
- Beneficial for your heart
- Strengthens bones, joints, and immune system
- Weight control
- Better sleep
- More energy
- Combats many health conditions and diseases
- Improves confidence and body image
- Slows the aging process
- It helps control addictions to tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs
- It improves digestion and eases constipation
And the benefits don’t stop there. Below are 12 things that happen mentally with exercise:
Solutions to help you achieve your goals:
- Make achievable and straightforward steps
- Use technology; many free mobile apps, such as Lose It, Jefit WorkoutTracker, and Fitocracy, are available.
- Recruit a buddy
As we age, our metabolism slows, muscles atrophy, organ functions decline, and cognitive capacity declines. This year, don’t have your healthcare provider ask you, “What about exercise?” Find your way to fitness on your terms. If nothing else, start with walking today.
Have a fabulous week!
You won’t have any complaints from me. I love exercise and have made it a part of my daily life. Bravo to you for doing the same. You’re the second blogger I’ve seen today wearing this color combo. Very nice. I must try this.
Hi! Obviously the exercise is working for you, you always look fabulous! The color combo of blue and brown was new for me, I’ll be checking your blog to see when you wear blue and brown. Thanks for stopping by.