You can always tell when it’s the beginning of a new year. There are endless television commercials for weight loss, gym memberships, and new ways to tackle and keep resolutions. I gave up doing New Year’s resolutions years ago; I found better success utilizing vision boards. Check out my story, and I am answering the question, Can fitness be fun?
Yes, fitness can be fun if you make it enjoyable. First, one must commit to staying healthy and exercising regularly. Then, find what works for you. I found easy ways to keep moving and stay motivated as a priority by doing the basics of exercise. I keep reminding you how I use the Fitbit Flex, a modern-day pedometer, to track my 10,000 steps daily. In addition, I like my weighted hula hoop and hand weights. I have a stationary bike that I used when I trained for the Nike half-marathon. The steps are essential since I drive all day in my company car. I turn every step into my daily exercise.

In June 2014, I started following the National Institute of Health’s recommendation of ten thousand steps per day to maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of a heart attack. That’s when I purchased my Fitbit Flex wristband. It’s all about the app that helps me track my daily steps. Generally, I average about 4,500 steps by parking far from the front door and taking the steps instead of the elevator. By now, I formulated my plan of attack to get in the ten thousand daily steps. On a nice day, I take a walk around the block. When it is polar vortex cold or inclement weather, I step in place in the comforts of my warm home with my James Brown iTunes playlist until I reach my goal.

But wait, there’s more. In addition to using my Fitbit Flex, I maintain the following healthy standards:
1. Healthy snacks like olives (I also cook with healthy oils like olive or canola oil)
2. Bake and never fry
3. Keep hydrated
4. Snacks on nuts like walnuts and almonds
5. I don’t skip meals
My ultimate motivation is that I remember some of the benefits of regular exercise:
1. More energy
2. Disease Prevention
3. Mood boost
4. Better sleep
5. Increased pain tolerance
6. Better brain function
Because of my Fitbit, I could stay fit during The Twelve Days of Christmas while being festive and, more importantly, not gaining weight. The Fitbit formula works for me; it’s now part of my lifestyle to live healthy. I find it fun, and I have a healthy competition with my friends who have FitBits (that accountability can make a difference). Incidentally, I did drop the 5 pounds that I picked up late last year with my consistent stepping and watching my calories. I hope you can find fitness fun in 2015, or perhaps you have found it. Do share if you have seen fitness fun.