Anyone else lured into online discount deals offered by Living Social? I was! A photography class offered by the Philadelphia Photo Arts Center was a sure shot (pun intended) for me.

In case you aren’t aware, Living Social is an online marketplace that offers significant discounts for products or services in certain cities. One can easily become a member and respond to emails that peak your interest. In my effort to learn more about my Digital Single Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera and become a better photographer, I quickly responded to the email for this beginner digital photography class back in February at the Philadelphia Photo Arts Center in the Crane Building.

The Philadelphia Photo Arts Center is located in a historic building built in 1905 in the Kesington section of Philly. The long wedge-shaped building was used as a plumbing warehouse later used to process frozen seafood. The building is a great example of preserving history and bringing a neighborhood back to life.

Earlier this year, I grabbed up two Living Social $30.00 Digital Beginnings Photography Classes for my BFF and I. BFF and I were able to select a date that suited our schedules. No block out dates or limitations from Living Social. This particular class normally is $60.00 for the three-hour class.
Just last Sunday, I motored down to the King of Prussia Mall outside of Philly to park my car and meet up with Cynthia. Since I don’t live in Philly anymore the Sunday or Saturday class option was appreciated.
The photography classrooms are setup for small groups of no more than 12 people. The limited amount of people made for great hands-on interactions with many opportunities to stop instructor and ask questions. We even got to apply the shallow depth of field technique when we went outside the building to the small urban garden across the street from the studio. See my beautiful sunflower I captured in the photo below:

The workshop topics included learning more about aperture, shutter speed, ISO, focal length, correct exposure and the advantages of shooting in different file formats. This class is my first step in gaining understanding and control over my photography, And most importantly, learning about all those buttons on my Canon Rebel.

All the class attendees generally had the same photography goals for why they signed up for the seminar; learn about all the functions of their cameras, take better photos of their family and friends. And to the number one reason to take the class, to get beyond taking all photos on the automatic setting.
Cynthia and I walked away from the three-hour class feeling the $30.00 class was educational. We hope to schedule an advanced camera technique workshop. The Digital Beginnings Class at the Philadelphia Photo Arts Center was a sure shot for checking off yet another goal from my 2015 vision board. The WordCamp Philly was another step in the right direction for staying focused with my objectives.
Since I grew up in Philadelphia, I do enjoy when I can come back to explore revived neighborhoods like the Fairmont section. It was in Fairmont that Cynthia and I stumbled upon a great restaurant, the Alla Spina for Sunday Brunch. I am usually not a high carb eater but I did indulge in the lime poppy seed pancakes with rhubarb syrup with vanilla bean whipped cream. It was worth the calories!
Anyone else recently take an interesting class to enhance a skill or learn something new? If yes, do share.
Have a fabulous week!