My and I at the Philadelphia Zoo enjoying a quiet moment.
My and I at the Philadelphia Zoo enjoying a quiet moment.

Once again the calendar says it is time to celebrate Mom.  I ask the same question last year, why do we need a holiday to remember our beloved mothers.  It does say in the Word of God to honor thy father and mother actually as a commandment.  Anna Jarvis, as a woman defined by her faith,  I am positive this is what motivated her to strive to have a day set aside for people in the United States to celebrate their mothers with a recognized day. This May 11, marks 100 years of celebrating Mom.  So what’s the word today?  Mum’s the Word! My Mum!

My Mom
My Mom, 1998 at my brother Sean’s Wedding

The inspiration of Anna Jarvis reminds me of my mum, my mommy, my Mom, Bessie.  Mom didn’t discover a vaccine, secure a patent, invent a gizmo, or even attain higher education degrees like her children.  Her achievements include her own movement to get her five children educated in the best schools her working class background could afford, raise well-mannered children who fear God.  I salute my Mom, not just as a mother of five, grandmother to three and great-grandmother to three but as a seven year breast cancer survivor. I am truly blessed to have learned kindness, generosity and compassion from my Mum.

Mom, my children at Channing's college graduation
2009, My Mom with my children at Channing’s college graduation

I was born in Germantown and raised in Mt Airy by my parents, both racially mixed sections of Philadelphia.  Little did I know and appreciate then that Germantown was so rich in history and played a significant role in American history. What, I do remember is, as a child walking up and down Germantown Avenue on Saturdays going to the Orpheum movie theater and passing all the beautiful well-maintained stone historic buildings that I didn’t pay much attention as I passed by.

Funny what you do remember from childhood, like, I do remember mamma shopped at a small boutique-like store nestled among the quaintness of Germantown and Chelten Avenues across the street from Linton’s and down the street from the Orpheum movie theater called Sabra Lee.  As seen the first photo, there’s Mom looking pretty sophicated as a twenty-six year old wearing a brown houndstooth coat while I am sitting on the bench shelling peanuts at the Philadelphia Zoo.

Me with my children, Channing and Tyler
Me with my children, Channing and Tyler

The joy of motherhood, my own.  I am blessed with two children, Channing and Tyler both of whom are grown and thriving well on their own. I remember when I was pregnant with my first born, the one comment I recall being said to me was to enjoy motherhood because it goes by so fast.  How true that motherhood has quickly gone by. I am grateful that I was able to stop working in the early days of my children’s lives.  I was able to stop and smell the roses while enjoying their childhood.  I love that I still maintain great relationships with both as adults.

with children at Suquehanna Riverboat in Harrisburg
with children at Suquehanna Riverboat in Harrisburg

I hope if you still have your Mum with you that you relish her in every way possible as often as possible.  Happy Mother’s Day to the mother’s reading this Mum’s the word message.