
One of the reasons I believe Dr Oz is so successful is that he seems to always delve into areas of health concerns that most people don’t want to openly discuss. Today, I would like to go to that place, up close and personal subject. We all do it, some more than others, some when they laugh (there’s medicine for when this happens), this is a normal elimination process of the body,  it is urinating. I won’t go there with some of the many other common names that refer to urine but I will mention #1.


The whole point of urinating is ridding your body of toxins that are flushed out through the kidneys, meaning if you noticed something peculiar going on, it might prompt you to look into it. In infants, some elderly individuals, and those with neurological injury, urination may occur as an involuntary reflex.

Wearing Coach Asymmetrical cape, Portolano elbow-length leather gloves, random black knot skirt, Spanx tights, Cole Haan Air Georgina Tall Black Boots with Tiffany ball necklace worn as bracelet.
Wearing Coach Asymmetrical cape, Portolano elbow-length leather gloves, random black knit skirt, Spanx tights, Cole Haan Air Georgina Tall Black Boots with Tiffany ball necklace worn as bracelet over gloves.

The color, smell and amount of urine you produce can be a window into what’s going on inside your body.  Urine has a variety of colors as shown below.  The color ranges from a deep amber or honey color to a light straw color, with many golden variations in between. Here’s a chart of urine colors and what they indicate.

Image from Cleveland Clinic
Image from Cleveland Clinic

As we age the function of our bladder declines, there are now medications to help control an overactive bladder or incontinence (loss of bladder control) or frequent need to urinate.  These medications help you have more control over the need to urinate.

Another solution to incontinence is Kegel Exercises.  They offer non-surgical and non-pharmaceutical solution for the prevention of nearly every all forms of Female Pelvic Floor disorders including urinary strew, urge and overflow incontinence. pelvic organ prolapse and other common female reproductive health related complications that typically occur with age. are crucial to the prevention of many common female reproductive health relates issues including urinary stress incontinence, constipation, pelvic organ prolapse, uterine, bowel or bladder prolapse, and other common female reproductive health related complications that typically occur with age.

Image from As We Change
Image from As We Change

I do recall after childbirth, it  was strongly recommended to do kegel exercises, in the event you have never been instructed to do kegel exercises, it is worth exploring why and how to perform kegels for your female health.

Image from www.urologyconsults.com Image from http://www.urogyconsults.com[/caption%5D

I hope you find this information helpful because ‘I gotta go, gotta go’ since I am not used to getting up close and personal. Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate it.